Top 8 Myths About Reconditioned Electrical Equipment

Ever heard something about electrical equipment you weren't too sure about? What about reconditioned electrical equipment? Depending on what you heard it may be flat out wrong. Knowing the facts about reconditioned equipment is important. According to PEARL knowing the difference can "save you big bucks while helping your company meet environmental goals".

PEARL is the Professional Electronics Apparatus Recyclers League. They ensure the quality AND safety of electrical equipment. Here at Civic Recycling we are a proud member and are certified with the organization.

Pearl has a fantastic article showcasing the top myths about reconditioned equipment. We will be showcasing and summarizing each point in our "Top 8 myths" post. Know the difference between fact and fiction from Civic Recycling and PEARL!

The myths are as follows:

Myth #1 - Reconditioned electrical equipment could be counterfeit

Reconditioned doe not equal counterfeit. Reconditioned models may not be supported by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) but that does not mean they can be lumped under the same categories as surplus and counterfeit. As always all equipment is tested to high standards. Civic Recycling would know right away if anything was out of place.

Reconditioned equipment is obviously not new and in the case of counterfeit equipment, it almost always is. Counterfeit models will likely be in new packaging and can't easily be mistaken for a reconditioned one. Most often residential style breakers or MCCBs is where counterfeiting occurs.

Myth #2 - Reconditioned electrical equipment is not as safe as new

Reconditioned electrical equipment is just as safe as new models as we have already outlined in a previous post. It may even be safer! This is because OEMs only batch test their products, reconditioning requires 100% device testing. The fact that the testing standards are so high are a testament to this fact. Civic Recycling is so sure about safety standards that we offer a 1-year warranty on all our products. Pretty great right? Visit our testing page for more on our process. Typically the general standards are as follows:

  • Conduct initial test

  • Disassemble, inspect, and clean

  • Replace/recondition worn and aging components

  • Reassemble

  • Perform verification test

  • Document

  • Certify

Myth #3 - Reconditioned equipment is less reliable, lower quality than new

As the PEARL article states:

"If a piece of electrical equipment was reliable and high quality when it was new, then older electrical equipment reconditioned to perform as good as or better than the original must also be considered reliable and high quality. Quality isn’t a question of new versus reconditioned, but rather, can you trust the source of the equipment? If you’re familiar with an OEM brand, you probably trust them."

And on top of that, all PEARL certified companies such as Civic Recycling hold themselves to high standards in testing and quality.

Myth #4 - Reconditioned electrical equipment costs less, but more to operate

This argument is valid for certain types of equipment such as new TP-1 transformers and circuit breakers with solid-state trip technology or zone alarms. But most electrical equipment is passive and is not required to consume electricity to do its job. So the argument is not valid for most of the 21 types of standard electrical equipment covered by PEARL.

In addition, new and reconditioned equipment will be field-tested regardless. Onward to safety!

Myth #5 - Reconditioned electrical equipment increases liability

Let's start by saying that each piece of reconditioned equipment is tested twice. Once before reconditioning and once after. Say one out of 100 breakers were tested coming off an assembly line...which would you trust more? Both are pretty solid bets but liability is not an issue for reconditioned equipment.

Myth #6 - Only OEMs can properly recondition electrical equipment

OEMs say that a company needs to understand the exact electrical engineering behind an electrical device and should only purchase reconditioned products from OEMs. However, there are some differences between private OEM reconditioning versus public PEARL reconditioning standards

  1. PEARL uses independent, third-party electrical engineers to review its standards (OEMs do not).

  2. PEARL makes its standards available to the public for review and comment. Open and transparent! OEMs don't do this.

Myth #7 - Reconditioned electrical equipment invalidates the (UL) mark

Underwriter Laboratories (UL) official position is that independent testing and certification companies takes no position on the validity of UL marks after the equipment leaves the factory.

Myth #8 - Myths make for bad business decisions

By debunking myths and focusing on facts we can be sure to develop competitive solutions to electrical needs. The goal is to purchase the highest-quality electrical equipment at the best possible price and with the least amount of lead-time. Civic Recycling is happy to be serving Canadians since 1995.

A quick recap on each Myth we have debunked!

  • Reconditioned electrical equipment could be counterfeit

  • Reconditioned electrical equipment is not as safe as new

  • Reconditioned electrical equipment is less reliable, lower quality than new product

  • Reconditioned electrical equipment costs less to buy but more to operate

  • Reconditioned electrical equipment increases liability concerns

  • Only OEMs can properly recondition electrical equipment

  • Reconditioning electrical equipment invalidates the Underwriter Laboratories (UL) mark

  • Get It Straight: Myths make for bad business decisions

For the full article take a look at the original PDF document:


What You Need To Know! Warranty, Returns, and Exchanges


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